Jon Russo explains potential shortcomings of ABM as well as its possible evolution into an even more targeted strategy.
Jon Russo
CMO & Founder of B2B Fusion
David Rowlands
Head of Content at B2B Marketing
Key Points
Shortcomings of ABM marketing: why do companies underestimate the value of collaborative initiatives between marketing, sales, and customer experience teams
The question of ABM targeting: how to identify the buying group and the personas within it
About the gap between sales and marketing and how to overcome it
What is the key data for a successful ABM campaign?
How to present necessary information to SRDs to make it digestible and helpful for further usage
How to identify WHO to target within a buying group and how to produce relevant content for different individuals
The right choice of channels: how an omnichannel approach can help you boost visibility.
On the importance of alignment and the ego involved in a conflict between sales and marketing teams and how to overcome their disputes
How to measure the results BGM brings: ROI, engagement signals, and search data.