Wow, where are you from?
Hi, Mom. This is the time we set, right?
Absolutely. So you want to get started?
Yeah. So what stood out to you in this one as something you think people might find interesting? Well, first of all, I have a take on what their name is. Influ2, I-N-F-L-U, the number two. So I was thinking it could be Influ2-U.
Why the extra U?
Because they make it possible to target ads to individuals as opposed to marketing that's more general. So the U is like, it expresses the reaching an individual?
You. I thought that was obvious. To you. You. Influ to. To who? To whom? Is it who or whom?
I think it would be whom by the book.
Okay! Influ to you. Yes. I think that improves upon it. That's just my thought.
All right, well, I'll tell them about it.
OK, let me know if anything comes of it. I doubt they're going to change all their stuff that they send out or the stationery or everything. Do people use stationery anymore?
Yeah, probably some people have cards.
Or special letters, legal letters, things like that.