Case StudySep 11, 20244 min

How CipherHealth’s Personalized Approach to Healthcare Ads Saw an 83% Increase in Influenced Pipeline

Megan Lomazzi
Megan Lomazzi
Senior Marketing Operations Manager at CipherHealth

"Influ2 has revolutionized our approach to targeted advertising, allowing us to precisely reach decision-makers and drive meaningful engagement." 

Megan Lomazzi, Senior Marketing Operations Manager at CipherHealth

Interested in how CipherHealth is aligning sales and marketing for impactful results? Discover how Megan Lomazzi and the CipherHealth team harnessed Influ2’s person-based ads to unlock pipeline growth and revenue expansion:

  • Targeting: Reaching 51% of executive champions.
  • Pipeline: Provided key support in driving an 83% increase in pipeline. 
  • Revenue: 20% increase in influenced revenue versus cold outreach.
  • ROI: Each dollar spent on Influ2 generated $122.70 in influenced revenue.

Aligning sales and marketing to drive both new business and expansion was a critical challenge at CipherHealth. The team needed a unified approach to target key decision-makers across complex healthcare buying committees.

Today, Megan and her team have transformed their ad strategy, using Influ2 to boost both engagement and revenue growth with account-based and person-based ad campaigns.

“We needed a solution that could reach the decision-makers within our buying committees and give our sales team detailed engagement insights for timely, personalized outreach,” Megan explains. “Influ2 made that possible, while seamlessly integrating with our tech stack to avoid manual processes."

Here’s how CipherHealth unified their ad strategy with Influ2 to drive results:

  • Advanced Targeting: With Influ2, Megan's team could deliver ads directly to the individual contacts they wanted to reach, driving a significant increase in engagement within their buying committees.
  • Personalized Ad: By delivering ads tailored to each stage of the buying journey, from awareness to decision-making, CipherHealth ensured that their messaging remained relevant and resonated with prospects.
  • Optimize Sales Outreach: The integration with Slack and Salesloft allowed real-time notifications, alerting the sales team whenever contacts engaged with an ad, and ensuring outreach was timely and impactful.

Here’s CipherHealth’s step-by-step approach for success:

Step 1: Precision Targeting

CipherHealth’s Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) focuses on US-based health systems, where decision-making is often complex and involves large committees. Leveraging their existing tech stack to pull intent and engagement data, CipherHealth pinpoints where these accounts are in the buying journey, to optimize their marketing efforts toward prospects in the Decision or Purchase stages.

They complement this strategy with contact databases to identify key decision-makers within these accounts, syncing the information to Salesforce. By integrating Influ2 with Salesforce, CipherHealth easily creates ad journeys tailored to each opportunity stage, enhancing ad engagement and boosting meeting conversion rates.

This approach enables CipherHealth to consistently deliver relevant and impactful interactions across their buying groups, reaching 51% of executive champions.

Step 2: Personalized Ads Based on Intent 

CipherHealth's marketing team crafted a strategy to personalize ads across the entire buyer journey, from initial awareness to decision-making. They segment ads by use case, delivering ads based on their product solutions to a mix of prospects to drive new business revenue and current clients for cross-sell expansion opportunities.

By delivering Influ2 ads tailored to each buyer stage, CipherHealth ensures prospects receive relevant messages that resonate with their needs. This tailored approach boosted ad engagement and supported an 83% increase in their pipeline.

Here’s a more detailed overview of CipherHealth’s ad strategy by intent data:

  • Awareness Stage: CipherHealth creates targeted ads for decision-makers early in their journey, addressing buyer pain points like reducing avoidable no-shows and supporting healthcare staff. These campaigns raise awareness and educate buyers about their solutions.
  • Decision + Purchase Stage: CipherHealth's ads at this stage emphasize ROI metrics and customer success stories for decision-makers actively considering solutions. This targeted strategy ensures CipherHealth stays top of mind with champions, fostering trust and maintaining warm sales conversions through compelling customer proof.

Step 3: Real-time Notifications 

At CipherHealth, integrating marketing strategies with sales execution is streamlined through advanced automation. Using Influ2’s Slack integration, Marketing delivers real-time ad engagement data to the sales team.

When a contact clicks on a CipherHealth ad, the integration immediately notifies the sales team via Slack. This provides detailed insights into campaign and content engagement metrics, empowering the sales team to prioritize and personalize their outreach efforts.

Megan’s focus was clear: “Our number one priority as a growth marketing team is to create a frictionless buyers' journey that maximizes market intent,” she explained. “With Influ2, we are fueling our sales team with consistent and personalized engagement with the prospects that influence buying decisions the most.” This proactive approach ensured that the team was always one step ahead in engaging their target audience.

Step 4: Automation Follow-Up with Salesloft

Automation rules integrated with Salesloft Rhythm enable CipherHealth to seamlessly enroll Influ2-engaged contacts into SalesLoft sales cadences based on their intent and engagement.

For contacts with Influ2 ad impressions only, automated Salesloft sequences are used. For Influ2-engaged contacts who click ads, SDRs use Salesloft to tailor their sales sequences to the content they engaged with in the ad campaign, ensuring timely follow-up with relevant messaging.

Step 5: Sales and Marketing Alignment 

CipherHealth maintains strong alignment between marketing and sales teams through regular meetings to discuss campaign performance and messaging across channels. This fosters a culture of communication and shared objectives, ensuring departmental goals, targeting strategies, and overall campaign effectiveness are aligned.

About CipherHealth

CipherHealth is an award-winning leader in patient-centered communications committed to enhancing communication and coordination throughout the care continuum. Since 2009, CipherHealth has helped define the patient engagement category, delivering groundbreaking tools and services to help health systems deliver patient-centric, quality care that improves clinical outcomes, drives operational efficiency, and creates sustainable financial value through a full suite of communications solutions.

The conslusion

CipherHealth’s integration of Influ2 into their marketing strategy has not only enhanced their pipeline and revenue but also demonstrated the power of personalized outreach and advanced targeting. By aligning their technology and teams, CipherHealth achieved an 83% boost in pipeline, a 20% increase in revenue, and a remarkable 122.7x ROI.

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